2021 Financial report
During the last five years, we have registered 421 new families and of those new families 159 are a result of our merger with St. Mary. With or without the merger, St. Anthony is growing.
Fostering true commitment to being disciples of Christ is an ongoing challenge. We know from many studies that belonging leads to believing. This sense of belonging to a parish mission greater than ourselves leads to us to give of time, talent, and treasure.
With that end in mind, we have just completed several months of strategic planning to get your input into how we can be most effective as a parish. We have added the part-time position of volunteer coordinator (Debbie Andrews) with the goal of getting more parishioners actively involved outside of Sunday Mass. We have also hired Al Gahagan in an expanded role McAnthony Window Kitchen supervisor to include hosting many more opportunities to bring parishioners together around food.
You should have received the Stewardship Magazine this week. Refer to your magazine for the actual pie graphs with pertinent financial numbers.
Our approach has been to put our heads down and work hard, doing the right things to serve both our parishioners and the many patrons of McAnthony Window, trusting that God will provide. Like the women in our readings today at Mass, we act out of faith and we ask you to act out of faith.
We leave you with this…. during the past year we (YOU) served 14,289 meals at McAnthony Window, gave out 20,182 bus tokens, fed 25,392 individual persons through the pantry – distributed 106,437 pounds of food, provided over 1,000 Thanksgiving and Christmas vouchers for turkeys and hams. And…gave out countless coats, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, socks, hoodies, and all kinds of clothes. Thank you for making this happen. Let’s keep our faith and good works going for many years to come!
Please pray and consider increasing your weekly offering to help offset increased costs of daily parish operations.
During the last five years, we have registered 421 new families and of those new families 159 are a result of our merger with St. Mary. With or without the merger, St. Anthony is growing.
Fostering true commitment to being disciples of Christ is an ongoing challenge. We know from many studies that belonging leads to believing. This sense of belonging to a parish mission greater than ourselves leads to us to give of time, talent, and treasure.
With that end in mind, we have just completed several months of strategic planning to get your input into how we can be most effective as a parish. We have added the part-time position of volunteer coordinator (Debbie Andrews) with the goal of getting more parishioners actively involved outside of Sunday Mass. We have also hired Al Gahagan in an expanded role McAnthony Window Kitchen supervisor to include hosting many more opportunities to bring parishioners together around food.
You should have received the Stewardship Magazine this week. Refer to your magazine for the actual pie graphs with pertinent financial numbers.
- In 2020-21, despite the continuing pandemic and lower than normal Mass attendance, we saw an increase in giving. Ordinary income (envelopes, online, loose change) was UP $13,475 over the previous year!
- In 2020-21 we had a net income of $826,394. This larger than normal net income is a result of the sale of the St. Mary property plus receipt of their investment assets. With the need for more space as our parish grows, we used St. Mary merger funds to the purchase and remodel the former Big Brothers Big Sisters building at 130 W. 5th Street (now known as the Grace Center).
- Also in 2020-21, bequests and memorials amounted to $226,840. We do not budget for bequests and memorials.
- For this fiscal year 2021-22, we have decreased our budgeted expenses by $126,498.
- Beyond your regular giving, we need help with the following expenses in 2021-22:
- Our commitment to Catholic school education at both All Saints and Assumption Schools is $109,200 to be made up by our monthly special collection and fundraisers like the Kermes/Carnival.
- Our McAnthony Window operation needs to raise $121,572 this year through donations and grants. This includes donations to the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. Fundraisers like our November 6-7 Bazaar support McAnthony Window.
- Collaborate with our bishop in ministering to people in the 22 counties of our diocese and make a generous pledge to the Annual Diocese Appeal. As of today, we have met $48,360 of our $91,686 goal.
Our approach has been to put our heads down and work hard, doing the right things to serve both our parishioners and the many patrons of McAnthony Window, trusting that God will provide. Like the women in our readings today at Mass, we act out of faith and we ask you to act out of faith.
We leave you with this…. during the past year we (YOU) served 14,289 meals at McAnthony Window, gave out 20,182 bus tokens, fed 25,392 individual persons through the pantry – distributed 106,437 pounds of food, provided over 1,000 Thanksgiving and Christmas vouchers for turkeys and hams. And…gave out countless coats, blankets, sleeping bags, gloves, socks, hoodies, and all kinds of clothes. Thank you for making this happen. Let’s keep our faith and good works going for many years to come!
Please pray and consider increasing your weekly offering to help offset increased costs of daily parish operations.