Finance Council
The parish finance council members are appointed by the pastor on the basis of their expertise and advise the pastor in the administration and stewardship of parish finances, budget, parish facilities and long-range financial development.
Members of the St. Anthony's finance council are:
Dave Schebler (chairman), Louis Granato, Dianna Paustian, Jackie Peters, Tina Sims, Peg Robertson, and Ed Rasso, Ex officio members are Trustees Manny Toquinto, Deb Williams, President of parish council Monica Mesa, and Pastoral Associate/Business Manager John Cooper.
Members of the St. Anthony's finance council are:
Dave Schebler (chairman), Louis Granato, Dianna Paustian, Jackie Peters, Tina Sims, Peg Robertson, and Ed Rasso, Ex officio members are Trustees Manny Toquinto, Deb Williams, President of parish council Monica Mesa, and Pastoral Associate/Business Manager John Cooper.